Real estate know-how

Low-interest KfW promotional loans

Low-interest KfW promotional loans

Resumption of low-interest KfW promotional loans: Many customers have been waiting for it.

The government has enabled the resumption of low-interest KfW development loans, which are now available again. As a result, we can once again place our properties in Kassel and Augsburg near Munich as well as our new ecological buildings in Leipzig, Bad Kreuznach and Hanau near Frankfurt.

We also offer various apartments in the following regions:

  • Hamburg, a cosmopolitan city with soon to be 2 million inhabitants: Our new ecological building in an absolute dream location in Hamburg, which is already a successful project from the fourth quarter of 2023, offers high tax incentives. There are very few apartments left with fantastic floor plans and views, so snap them up now!
  • Augsburg near Munich: Our new ecological building is ready for immediate occupancy, without construction time. You benefit from the tax advantages of new construction as well as immediate rental income and a favorable KfW development loan.
  • New listed building: These apartments offer extremely high tax benefits through depreciation spread over just 12 years, plus low-interest KfW subsidized loans and tax savings of more than €150,000 per apartment.
  • Berlin, Berlin, Berlin: 50% of the apartments have already been sold in the last few weeks. These are ecological existing apartments with a guaranteed minimum cold rent of over €2,600 in a villa property on a unique lakeside plot with a jetty. Around 9 out of 10 tenants and the tax office pay.
  • Dresden and Leipzig: Here, too, we offer existing ecological apartments.

We are also offering a second contingent in Zingst on the Baltic Sea, after the first was quickly sold out. These existing apartments are available from just €14,600 with reduced monthly payments.

Are you interested in the objects? Then you can book an appointment here. Simply click, select an appointment and talk about the property.

Kind regards,

Matthias Holzmann

Diploma in Business Administration (FH)

Strategic advisor on economic issues

Discover the ultimate real estate strategy for sustainable wealth creation!

Matthias Holzmann

Buy real estate as an investment without paying for it yourself. Take advantage of real passive income through rented properties with future potential, high returns and tax benefits. Avoid mistakes when buying real estate and work with experienced professionals. That is my motto with over 27 years of professional experience and over 1,000 satisfied customers.

Sincerely, Matthias Holzmann

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Wiesenbergstraße 46, 45147 Essen

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‭+49 (0) 176 56440621‬


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