Real estate know-how

Get richer with real estate: the path to financial freedom

Get richer with real estate: the path to financial freedom

Do you also dream of financial freedom, passive income and a life of luxury? At first glance, this may sound like an advertisement from many decades ago. However, it reflects the dreams and needs that people have been approaching me with for decades.

You want that little bit of freedom and development, but you don't know how to go about it. Primarily, the process of development begins when we realize that we have this desire for more and when we understand that we cannot progress without the help of others. Of course, in the end everything arises from within ourselves, but it is crucial that we have a good feeling when we ask for help.

Most people take this for granted when it comes to tradesmen, for example. When it comes to finances and freedom, things are often different. It's wonderful when you try things out yourself and go about implementing them - up to a certain point. Nobody would probably completely tile a bathroom without any knowledge. The consequence is that you call in a professional and at least get comprehensive advice. So why not relax when it comes to figures and financial freedom and call on the expertise of a financial expert? It may be hard to believe, but I work in an area where there is a lot of doubt and shame if someone is not yet financially free or simply doesn't know how to do it. But they don't have to!

There will be times in life when we make huge progress and others when we feel like we are standing still. My inner secret recipe is to think about how I dealt with the biggest loss of my life, for example. As long as I can think about things like that, I don't stagnate. And I'd advise you to do the same - if you're stuck in your quest for financial freedom, for example, you can remind yourself of all the things you've already mastered.

For the rest, there are solutions and help - from experts like me, for example. There are experts for everything, you just have to go beyond these boundaries to contact them. A taboo in my life is not trying something, not living out a dream (until it's finished) or giving up. Just because you're not financially free today, and possibly in your 30s or 40s, doesn't mean there's no path to independence. Quite the opposite! Perhaps it's precisely your wealth of experience that is leading you to the desire for independence today.

Primarily, the vision of a fulfilled life sounds intangible to many and is somehow too good to be true. What sounds like a salesman's slogan from the distant past is the plain truth: prosperity is achievable and easier than many people think. In order to develop well, you need to reflect on yourself like everyone else and recognize where your inner convictions are blocking your prosperity. What sounds highly psychological is the result of practical experience.

If you change the levers internally and are open, you will never again claim >> wealth and freedom are for others <<. For a long time, I was also convinced of this and simply went along with it until I discovered the benefits of real estate, the true possibilities and my own potential.

When it comes to financial freedom, people see their own bottlenecks and difficulties - the life that everyone imagines seems far away. It's not about windy promises and castles in the air - that's what many people are preached from the outside when it comes to prosperity, so that most people are kept down and don't even set out to create something new for their own well-being.

Whether it relates to your dream job, achieving some big goal or your finances: Basically, the mental superstructures are all the same. For far too long, financial freedom has been sold to us as an impossibility, and as a result, many people don't believe in it today. That's why I do what I do every day: I give advice with my heart and soul and am also a coach - an outstandingly good combination.

I now block out the beliefs and the many "buts" that you hear when you want more in life and decide to take this new path in life and not only make sure that people get to their properties. I work with the successes and hard facts = figures to ensure that the barriers in people's minds also disappear.

Socially, it seems normal to focus on failure and small thinking rather than on the true development and realization of one's own prosperity. Desires and visions are very individual. What is an extreme luxury for one person does not even touch another. Basically, it's about everyone finding themselves, organizing themselves and focusing on what is good for them.

Frequently asked questions from my friends, customers and clients:

  • How do you build up a passive income with real estate?
  • How can you automate your income intelligently?
  • Which locations and properties will boom in the future?
  • How can you secure the best top real estate properties for just a quarter of the normal price (which then also suit you)?

60% of all people living in Germany could build up at least 3 properties by the time they retire and thus be independent of the state pension. But only 2% of people living in Germany actually do this. This is mainly due to a lack of knowledge about real estate as an investment.

Until now, the true potential has often not been exploited. A change is now imminent because more and more people are driving this forward and understand that that little bit more does not necessarily mean more stress. It's about focusing on new habits, topics and areas of expertise.

We are currently living through a turning point in which options are being rethought and new things are being tried out. Society is facing new technological and human challenges. So why should we renounce developments and wait to find out what's going on? My credo is to reinvent ourselves and be the one who helps shape and mold things. And each and every one of you can do the same!

You want more out of life, you want to be financially free, you want your assets to work for you? Then register NOW and HERE for my real estate webinar. That's 90 minutes that can change your LIFE.


Matthias Holzmann

Discover the ultimate real estate strategy for sustainable wealth creation!

Matthias Holzmann

Buy real estate as an investment without paying for it yourself. Take advantage of real passive income through rented properties with future potential, high returns and tax benefits. Avoid mistakes when buying real estate and work with experienced professionals. That is my motto with over 27 years of professional experience and over 1,000 satisfied customers.

Sincerely, Matthias Holzmann

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