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Maximize your real estate assets

Maximize your wealth in the real estate sector with our many years of expertise and our up-to-date analysis!

Our team of real estate analysts has evaluated the data for the second half of 2023. The most striking result of the current analysis is the unprecedented decline in construction starts in the past six months. With only 5 million square meters under construction across Germany in the third and fourth quarters of 2023, we recorded a decline of almost 23% compared to the first half of 2023.

The decline in project space is particularly significant in most segments, with the exception of logistics and industry as well as the other category (such as senior living). The effects of the crisis are clearly noticeable in the market for project developers. Office projects are particularly affected, with a nationwide decline of 7%.

In the residential segment, which is also the most socially relevant and has the second-largest project volume at 1.4 million square meters, we are seeing a drastic decline of almost 29% compared to the first half of 2023.

For this report, we analyzed projects that are planned, under construction or already completed by 2027. In our interactive analysis tool, users can, for example, obtain information on how much retail space is currently being developed, who the largest residential developers in North Rhine-Westphalia are or where the pipeline is currently growing.

We constantly carry out a thorough evaluation of the data in order to assess the current situation on the German project development market as a whole as a seismograph. This also speaks for the fact that we have been the undisputed market leader in the investment real estate sector for over 30 years with a complaint rate of less than 0.1%. That is unbeatable on the German real estate market.

Are you interested in finding out more about how we work? Then please get in touch HERE and NOW to the next REAL ESTATE WEBINAR I look forward to seeing you!

Kind Regards

Matthias Holzmann

Discover the ultimate real estate strategy for sustainable wealth creation!

Matthias Holzmann

Buy real estate as an investment without paying for it yourself. Take advantage of real passive income through rented properties with future potential, high returns and tax benefits. Avoid mistakes when buying real estate and work with experienced professionals. That is my motto with over 27 years of professional experience and over 1,000 satisfied customers.

Sincerely, Matthias Holzmann

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