Real estate know-how

Eco-Friendly Living: How to benefit from green funding

Eco-Friendly Living: How to benefit from green funding

Future-proof investment: Green upswing in real estate promotion

The "Climate-friendly new build" development loan is a key financial support aimed at promoting the construction of environmentally friendly and energy-efficient new builds.   

This development program, usually offered by state development banks or similar institutions, aims to provide building owners with targeted incentives to implement sustainable construction projects. The focus of the development loan is on supporting the construction of buildings that meet certain environmental standards. 

This includes, in particular, energy efficiency, the use of renewable energies and other ecological aspects. The loan is linked to compliance with specific energy efficiency standards, with the clear aim of minimizing energy consumption and reducing CO2 emissions. 

Building owners who opt for this subsidy program benefit from low-interest loan conditions. The provision of low interest rates and flexible repayment terms are typical features of these subsidized loans. In addition to the financial benefits, subsidy programs can also offer other incentives, such as repayment subsidies, bonuses for particularly sustainable construction methods or tax benefits.   

In order to benefit from this promotional loan, building owners must meet certain criteria, ranging from compliance with building standards and the use of specific building materials to the implementation of energy-saving technologies. The application process requires a careful examination of the building project, planned energy measures and environmental impact.   

The exact conditions and criteria for "climate-friendly new build" development loans can vary depending on the country, region or development institution. As a team, we therefore recommend that interested building owners contact the relevant development bank or authority directly to obtain detailed information and begin the application process. We are happy to assist in making this process as smooth as possible.   

Incidentally, our current offers include 4 real estate projects that are extremely environmentally friendly and are 100% subsidized.   

As an example, here is some information on the projects:   


We have 4 projects as energy-efficient houses in accordance with the KfW-40-NH-QNG standard and are certified by the DGNB. The primary energy factor of the houses is below the value required by the German government, which saves energy costs in the long term and contributes to climate protection. As a further major contribution, in addition to the heat supply with a high green content, a photovoltaic system that meets the energy requirements is installed on the green roof of the building.   


With their green infrastructure, our real estate projects make an important contribution to sustainable urban development. Parks and green spaces in the surrounding area make the innovative districts liveable and have a positive impact on air quality and the urban climate. The flat roofs with extensive green roofs also contribute to rainwater retention and relieve the burden on the sewage system.   


Our real estate projects stand for a modern heat supply concept and make a valuable contribution to emission protection by connecting to the city's district heating network, which uses a high level of green energy, thus eliminating the need for a heating system in each building. This also saves high maintenance and repair costs in the later usage phase. Efficient panel heating with individual room control saves energy and avoids CO2 and considerable amounts of sulphur dioxide, particulate matter and nitrogen oxides.   


Our projects promote e-mobility through central neighborhood fast charging stations. Lockable sockets in the underground car park and the option of retrofitting a charging station at the parking space (in consultation with the supplier) complement this offer. In addition, central charging facilities in the bicycle cellar with individual billing are planned. This will reduce CO2 emissions and dependence on mineral oil and offer a modern and future-oriented alternative to conventional mobility.   

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Matthias Holzmann

Buy real estate as an investment without paying for it yourself. Take advantage of real passive income through rented properties with future potential, high returns and tax benefits. Avoid mistakes when buying real estate and work with experienced professionals. That is my motto with over 27 years of professional experience and over 1,000 satisfied customers.

Sincerely, Matthias Holzmann

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