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Construction Culture Report 2024/25: Ein Weckruf für die Zukunft unserer Städte und Gemeinden

Construction Culture Report 2024/25: Ein Weckruf für die Zukunft unserer Städte und Gemeinden

Eagerly awaited and now finally published: the Baukultur Report 2024/25. As the sixth report of its kind under the auspices of the Federal Foundation of Baukultur, it offers a comprehensive insight into the current developments and challenges of our built environment in Germany.

This report is not only based on an in-depth population survey and an intensive local authority survey, but also integrates the valuable perspectives of professionals in the planning professions. Particularly noteworthy findings from these surveys are highlighted in the main text and stimulate in-depth discussions.

The focus on infrastructure development: a cross-sectional task

The construction culture report 2024/25 focuses intensively on the topic of "infrastructures" and considers their development to be an essential cross-sectional task. There is no question that the transformation to resilient, climate-adapted, socially inclusive and aesthetically pleasing buildings and infrastructure spaces is a top priority. But how can this be achieved in practice?

Key findings and recommendations of the report:

  1. Inner city development as the key: The importance of the city centre for the infrastructure is emphasized, whereby it becomes clear that the building use ordinance must be adapted to this new reality.
  2. Relieve pressure on housing supply: In view of the tight situation on the housing market, it is crucial to remove existing obstacles to planning and construction. Serial and modular construction is seen as an effective means of creating affordable housing.
  3. Legal adjustments for conversions and extensions: The conversion and extension of properties urgently require an adapted legal framework in order to be able to react flexibly and creatively to the demand for living space.
  4. Challenges of the construction industry: The complex situation of project developers and the construction industry is emphasised. High construction costs, expensive financing conditions, a shortage of skilled labour and a shortage of raw materials are significant challenges. These findings are underpinned by the ZIA spring report.
  5. Guidelines for building type E: The development and implementation of guidelines for this type of building is seen as an important step towards a new conversion culture.
  6. Climate adaptation as a joint task: Adaptation to climate change is seen as a central task of infrastructure development and requires close cooperation between the property industry and local authorities.

The path to a sustainable future

This comprehensive document is not just an analysis, but a wake-up call. It calls on all of us - from political decision-makers and investors to planners and developers - to play an active role in shaping a sustainable and more liveable environment.

Download the full Baukultur Report 2024/25 and join us in the dialogue to promote and support the property industry. Future-oriented action and closely networked cooperation are essential in order to master the challenges of our time and further advance Baukultur in Germany. Now is the time to take well-founded and innovative steps.

Download the report HERE

Kind Regards

Matthias Holzmann

Discover the ultimate real estate strategy for sustainable wealth creation!

Matthias Holzmann

Buy real estate as an investment without paying for it yourself. Take advantage of real passive income through rented properties with future potential, high returns and tax benefits. Avoid mistakes when buying real estate and work with experienced professionals. That is my motto with over 27 years of professional experience and over 1,000 satisfied customers.

Sincerely, Matthias Holzmann

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