Assets with

Real Estate

The Real Estate strategy

Passive income through real estate strategy

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of real estate wealth. Do you also dream of financial freedom, passive income and a life of luxury? Here you will learn step by step the secrets of how you can become a real estate tycoon with zero starting capital.

Die Vorstellung, dass Immobilien für Sie arbeiten, während Sie sich auf die schönen Dinge des Lebens konzentrieren können, ist der Schlüssel zu passivem Einkommen. Dieses Einkommen, das aus Mieteinnahmen und steuerlichen Vorteilen resultiert, bietet einen Weg zur finanziellen Unabhängigkeit. Ich und mein Team zeigen Wege auf, wie man mit der richtigen Einstellung durch die gezielte Auswahl von Immobilien und Standorten ein stabiles passives Einkommen aufbauen und somit finanzielle Freiheit erreichen kann.

Our Real Estate team

Specialists in all fields

Matthias Holzmann


Jan Kisters

Senior Director & Mentor

Christopher Erz

Team Leader

Martin Kramer

Real Estate Investment Manager

Alejandra Gestoso

Expat Beraterin

Anja Coenen

Financing specialist

Marco Munsteiner

Financing specialist

Gregor Fiedler

Investment specialist

Leonor Holzmann

Strategic economy consultant

Viola Schmidt

Real Estate Investment Manager

Jonas Mathis

Strategic economy consultant

Dirk Ludwig

Real Estate Investment Manager

100+ TOP Ratings

What our customers are saying

Real people, real success - that is our promise. Immerse yourself in the world of our satisfied clients and hear about their inspiring experiences. From dream homes to profitable investments, we've helped countless clients achieve their real estate goals.

Our testimonials are more than just words - they are proof of our commitment to providing you with the best possible service. See how our expertise, knowledge and passion have made a difference to our customers' lives.

Build up real estate assets

4 topics in focus for beginners

Location Location Location

The success of a real estate investment often depends not only on the property itself, but above all on its location.

Off market properties

Off-market transactions are discrete transactions that take place outside the public market.

Growth trends in sustainable real estate

Demand for energy-efficient properties has risen sharply as consumer priorities have shifted.

Listed buildings

Why wait 40 or 50 years for tax write-offs when you can benefit immediately from concentrated tax advantages?

Our exclusive webinar

The secrets of successful real estate investments

Are you looking for the keys to profitable real estate investments? Would you like to optimize your portfolio strategy or simply immerse yourself in the world of real estate investement? Our high-quality real estate webinar opens the doors to a comprehensive understanding of current market dynamics, the most promising asset classes and proven strategies for sustainable returns.

What will I learn in the webinar?

Get detailed and up-to-date answers to these questions and insights into the hottest real estate markets and find out where there is potential for growth and stability. Learn how to make smart investment decisions that ensure long-term income and value. Hear from our industry expert, learn proven tactics and understand the intricacies of successful

What will I learn in the webinar?

Experts for every field

Top reviews collected

Real estate projects

m2 of building land in the analysis

Real people, real success - that is our promise!

Our Goal

Passive income through real estate


Immerse yourself in the world of real estate wealth and discover how you can become a real estate tycoon with zero euros in starting capital. Learn how real estate can generate passive income through rental income and tax benefits, paving the way to financial freedom. The current inflection point in the real estate market offers an ideal opportunity to get started, with rising purchasing power and falling construction interest rates, complemented by available loans. The booming rental market underlines the potential for profitable investments.

We are facing social challenges that require strategic planning and support in building wealth. This book offers tried and tested strategies and tips from successful real estate experts on how to enter the market, choose the perfect property, finance and rent successfully. Take this opportunity to invest in your financial future and live a life of wealth and financial independence.

"The idea that real estate works for you while you can focus on the finer things in life is the key to passive income."

Matthias Holzmann – Immobilien Strategie Founder

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Why work with Immobilien Strategie ?


Over 60,000 real estate projects

With our team of professional analysts, we have access to both our own database and external real estate databases. This gives us access to 1.8 million m2 building land in Germany, to 60,000 real estate projects currently in the pipeline. We scan all projects in over 11,000 cities in Germany every day, from the 15 m2 apartment through to large-scale project development.


Exclusive off-market real estate projects for ¼ of the price

We only look for the real estate gems on the market for our clients. Whether listed building, new build or even sustainable new build, we search for top off-market projects and show you how you can acquire them for ¼ of the normal price. 


Market leader for over 30 years

With a real estate strategy based on professional, innovative project analysis, excellent market conditions, wholesale terms and an experienced great team, we have been the market leader in real estate as an investment for over 30 years. For this reason, professional athletes, academics, doctors, lawyers and other clients do not limit themselves and buy only just one property.

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Arrange a consultation

Are you still unsure and would like to speak to one of our real estate experts in advance? Then make an appointment for an initial consultation or give us a call. We are happy to help!

Real estate know-how

Immobilien Strategie Blog

Stay in the game. Find out in my real estate blog how you can acquire first-class properties at a quarter of the usual price. Learn the strategies used by professionals to identify the most promising locations and best properties.

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